Achieve Peak Health, Productivity and Energy with zero Stress

You have the power within you to transform your life and achieve boundless health and limitless potential. Embrace this journey with open arms, and let me be your guide, motivating you every step of the way. Believe in yourself and your ability to conquer any obstacle that comes your way. Let’s unleash your true potential and create a life that inspires and empowers you to be the best version of yourself.

What is Integrative Health?

Integrative health coaching brings together

7 different integrated disciplines:

  • Ayurvedic Medicine: The Science of Life.
  • Bioregulatory Medicine: The Science of Self-Healing. Traditional Chinese
  • Medicine & Herbalism: Using the power of herbs and energy practice to enhance overall wellness.
  • Eastern Philosophy: Using the Mind to Heal the Body.
  • Traditional Naturopathy: Using “Right Living” to Rebalance the Body.
  • Orthomolecular Medicine: The Right molecules in the right amounts.
  • Functional Medicine: Helping people at a functional; not disease level.

What my programs include:

*my programs are not intended to treat, prevent or cure disease. Rather, rebalance the underlying root causes & support the body in achieving its best health!

Zoom Consults

Lab Testing

Lifestyle Support


Are you ready to feel the best you have ever felt?

Book a free consult with me here:

A Success Story

When we started working together, she was experiencing:

1. GullBladder Attacks -carrying pain medication everywhere

2. No Energy​- yet working ridiculous work hours

She also had seen other Naturopaths; yet she  continued to simply be given supplements & medication. To the point where she was scheduled to have a surgery!

She is a perfect example of the power of Integrative Health and how possible it is to change your quality of life altogether.